Today, the microchannel heat exchanger is increasingly used in different industries. They are used in domestic split systems, semi-industrial air conditioners, chillers, and other equipment – mainly as condensers. However, attempts are being made to design microchannel evaporators. The main problem in solving this problem is the need for uniform distribution of the vapor-liquid mixture leaving the throttle.
Modern innovations
In tubular-ribbed apparatuses, this role is played by the “spider” type distributor. It is always positioned vertically so that the refrigerant flows from top to bottom. As a result, vapor and liquid enter the tubes in equal proportions and the evaporation of the refrigerant occurs evenly. A microchannel evaporator would require a distributor for many thousands of channels, and such a device is difficult even to imagine.
Condensers do not need distributors, and therefore the external blocks of refrigeration systems are already equipped with a new type of heat exchangers.
Technical problem and effect
The technical problem solved by the proposed device consists in increasing the efficiency of microchannel heat exchangers, reducing the consumption of expensive electrical energy for pumping the coolant. This way, increasing the service life of pumping equipment, reducing material consumption, reducing the cost of heat exchangers and operating costs.
The technical effect, which makes it possible to solve the technical problem posed, consists in increasing the efficiency by organizing a predominantly countercurrent scheme of the relative movement of heat carriers. This way, reducing the hydraulic diameter and reducing the hydraulic resistance of the flow path by reducing the length of the main channels of microchannel heat exchangers.
The problem is solved by the fact that the well-known microchannel heat exchanger, consisting of a rigid body contains a heat exchange matrix formed from soldered together thin heat-conducting plates of the same design.